WEEK 01 Sound Editing Basics
Today we learned how to use a new adobe cloud program called “Adobe Audition”. It is similar to other programs like “after effects” and “premiere pro” but it’s more directed towards sound editing. It’s very fun to see how to edit sound to the most precise second and modify everything!
WEEK 2 foley Capture+Log+Archive
This week we played around with our audio recording device. It would be nice to get an actual audio device but I will make due with my phone. It was fun to play around with Audition a bit more.

WEEK 3 Radio Call
Proposal 1:
Proposal 2:
Podcast Review
“The bald and the beautiful”
The bald and the beautiful are about two famous drag queens that got their fame from a drag race reality show called “Rupauls Drag Race”, Their names are Trixie Matel and Katya Zamolodchikova.
1 – Trixie is from Milwaukee, Winsconsin and currently lives in Palm Springs with her boyfriend. Trixie has many highlights in her drag career, She has one her season of rupauls drag race, started her own makeup brand, bought her hometown bar, hosted many youtube shows with Katya and opened up her own hip motel called “Trixie Motel”.
Katya is from Boston, Massachusetts and currently lives in Los Angeles. She competed on the same season of drag race as Trixie. Katya has done many great things like l with Trixie on a makeup palette, travelled the world to perform and been on many youtube shows with Trixie.
2 – “The Price of Perfection with Violet Chachki” – https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ZrJZTpVzEeQHsgvAcFUIx?si=f6bb17fc8faa4efc
3- In this episode, Trixie and Katya interview the winner of season 7 of Rupauls Drag Race, Violet Chachki. The intent of this is to ask her a various of questions about her life and what she’s doing now. Their studio is in Trixies house so all three of them wen’t there to record it. The mood that this podcast is giving is funny, crude, and not serious. The intent of all their podcasts are to shine light on the guest, but also throw some jokes and have a good time with them. I connect to this podcast because I love these two drag queens and I will watch anything that they produce because they are hilarious. I love seeing queer people succeed, especially drag queens because they’ve only really been accepted these past 10 years by society.
Radio Call
This week we had to create radio calls with files given by the instructor and then find our own files + make our own radio call. I had so much fun with this and couldn’t stop laughing at my own bloopers and fails. I wanted to give fun outro for a gaming or computer geek podcast.
WEEK 4 Audio Repair
This week we had to edit audio recordings in Audition. I found it fascinating how you can pin point and edit certain sounds out like they didn’t exist. It would be so cool to do that as a profession .
Soundscape Project – Draft
I went with my soundscape project. I wanted to capture stress and anxiety in the beginning of my soundscape, and show how a walk through the park can help calm and relax someone. I wanted to end it with a nice refreshing jump in the water.
Soundscape Project – Final draft

The intent of this project was to bring a scene to life through audio clips that are put together. We were allowed to produce something made-up, make a scene out of everyday life, or even tell a narrative story through words. The soundscape had to show the journey you took through each micro sound you made.
Creative Process
The creative process was a big learning curve for me. I did work that was a little similar to this last year, but not to the extent of it only being completely audio. What I had to learn pretty quick was that I had to make or find a sound for every movement that was made in the soundscape. This project has caused me to really listen to my surroundings and I’ve noticed that we are never living in silence. Whenever I leave my apartment, I usually have headphones in so I never hear what is going on around me. After you gave me your feedback, it opened my eyes (or I should say ears) and made me see that you have to really pay attention to every detail.
The hardest part for me was trying to mimic the atmosphere and record clippings without too much wind. There was so much wind when I was recording the scene where I had to jump into the water that I had to put something in front of my recording device and edit the clip later to fine tune it. If I were to do this again, I would record A LOT more clippings. I managed to edit and find enough online to help me, but it would of been useful to record what I wanted multiple times so I had some leg room to work with.
Overall, I had a lot of fun with this project and it got me to go outside to record sound. I am proud with what I did and I am excited to explore more projects like this for the rest of the semester.