Assignment 1
For this assignment, we were asked to edit individual clips so they all fitted the same screen. We also played with audio feathering it quiet to loud.
Assignment 2
We learned how to properly key a green screen video. After keying we learned how to properly edit the video so it matches the background its trying to morph into.
Assignment 3 – Sound Edit Premiere Pro
We learned how to edit an audio file with effects, how to make the audio sound more quiet/loud, and also learned how to cut out certain audio
Green Screen Mini-project
There were a couple of obstacles trying to make this, but I managed to make my vision come to reality. Before I filmed, I wanted everything to be on GoPro to have that first-person experience. The film was moving too much to have a clear image of the green screen so I ended up using my DSLR camera to film the green screen part. I made a couple of the sounds myself and added some royalty-free music too. I’m happy with the end video!
Assignment 4 – Split Screen
In this exercise, we were asked to make a split screen video with two videos, a matte color, and text. Everything fades in at different speeds. We learned how to layer videos ontop of each other with opacity layers as well. Overall it was a fun exercise!
Assignment 5
My Premiere Pro didn’t have all the effects that you had in your video ( fast color corrector, luma curve). Megan told me to use lumetri curves instead, so I tried my best with that. In the video, we had to use different techniques to achieve different effects. This was def the longest one so far but it was very useful with all the info that was packed into it!
Blend FX
Split Screen – mini project 2
For my project, I decided to make a poutine and made a split video from that. I used some words describing noises that happened within the video which I thought gave it a fun look. All the footage is mine and I got the sounds from royalty-free sights. I hope you like it!
Assignment 6
This week we had to use provided clips and make a stop motion video on premiere pro. I understand how to make my video now from doing this week’s lesson. I went a little more eerie and creepy for my edit of this video.
Stop motion – Mini Project 3
This was a blast. I wrote down a couple of ideas, but I knew this was the one that I wanted to do. I originally was going to use an orange, but it would be too hard to stay still compared to an apple. I wanted the beautification part to be a little creepy with a happy rewarding end. It was so nostalgic to play with clay again, just like when I was younger. All the sounds I used were from “” and I filmed this on a phone tripod, the clicker didn’t work so I had to manually tap capture for each photo.
I hope you enjoy as much as I did!
Assignment 7
It was interesting to learn about motion graphics this week. There is a lot to it, but I feel like it’s a good skill set to have. You really have to pay attention to detail for this exercise. I couldn’t get everything perfectly centered but I fixed that for my mini-project. After effects is fun!
Assignment 8
This was a quick but effective method of adding a background to an after-effects video. We learned how to make the background transparent in after effects so we could add a background video (or image) in Premiere Pro.
Motion Graphics – Mini Project 4
Here is my motion graphics video. I stuck to the skeleton of our exercise and added a couple of different things. I used a new color scheme from coolers, and used the font “avenir bold” as my substitute. I found all my sounds on “”. I had to adjust a couple of things from the original so it was a little different. Wanted it to go from daylight to nighttime with an additional color in the middle. Thank you!
Independent Project – Sal finds a wand
This was an absolute joy to make, I loved every minute of it. Stop motion is hard but I get the most sense of accomplishment when I finish a video. I had a general idea of what I wanted to do, I wanted Sal to find a wand and undergo a transformation sequence, and then use the magic of the wand in various ways. I didn’t expect to make a little companion to go along with her.
Motion Graphics
With after effects, I used a variation of the same particle tool and just changed the color, sizes, and, and gravity of magic. I used a template of the portal at the end and added various colors to match sal’s color palette. The effects were so fun to play with and use the various types for the wand’s magic output.
Stop Motion
I used stop motion for my whole project. There were a couple of hiccups here and there, but I managed to blend it all together in a creative way. I used blue construction paper for the background and yellow paper for the ground. Sal is an apple, and everything else was made with clay that I bought from the dollar store. It’s so fun to play with clay because You can make anything you imagine happen with stop motion.
Green Screen
I used a green screen for Sal’s transformation sequence. I kept the camera where it was so I could film again afterward. I put a green piece of paper in front of the original set and had Sal as close as I could get her to the camera without losing focus. It was hard to tell how this would go because I didn’t know if the camera could keep focus, how the green reflecting off sal would look, and if the color of my green screen would even key. The green bleeding through on sal gave it an effect that enhanced the whole sequence. I was going to add after-effects of the same colors as the background on Sal, but I didn’t have to because the reflecting of green gave her a slight tint that helped the overall project.
This project was a lot of work, but I’m glad I did it. I’ve fully accepted myself as a gay man these past 2 years and it feels so freeing to be able to create something as campy and girly as this without feeling embarrassed. I have learned so much in this course and it is a very valuable starting point for me. I loved creating every moment of this project, and I hope I get to make more stop motions for FIN 200 next year. I hope everyone who sees this enjoys it as much as I did. Thank you!